Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wrestling... it's growing on me!

Davis had his first wrestling meet last Sat. I wasn't too excited, because I have only been to one other meet and that was in Jr. high. I just figured this was going to be one of those bonding things between him and Kirby. I actually enjoyed watching it. I think there is definitely something different when it is your kid and you want them to succeed. We had a very long day, but it was so much fun!

3rd Place not too bad for his first time. He worked so hard the last match and I think he thought he had won. So he was a little upset when they raised the other kids hand. But in the end they went into 2 OT so he ended up wrestling for 5 mins. That makes me tired just thinking about it.!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How are babies born???

Tonight we barely missed the discussion of how babies are born. Kirby got a call from his dad around 6-ish that a cow was about to deliver. Kirby has to be there to help lift the calves cause Howard has a bad back. Anyways it has been a snowy muddy mess. So they usually have to take the cows into a little shed to warm them up. So we got to the cow and she was facing the wrong way, by the time the boys and I got to the other side of the coral the calf was born. I figure they will figure it out with their dad's profession, I just don't want them knowing before I deliver our baby. Davis already asks too many questions.
So here is the new baby and my boys helping to clean the mud/poop off of it and get it warm. Such cute little farmers

I am not sure...

Kyron has turned into a little independent terror lately. You all saw the Wii incident, now he threw a fit when I wouldn't let him have a rubber band to shoot at people. He went storming in the house and threw the garage door so hard that the door stop couldn't even stop it. Sadly we have been in our house for 14 months now and we have our first hole int he door. It happened on Valentines day and I was puking so I distracted the boys with art projects all day. They made pictures that led Kirby on a hunt to find them with their Valentines to him. The chose to hide in their tub, so the pictures will explain that. Then the ones of Ky and the door are great, because I am pretty sure there is still a hole in Kirby's parents door, where he threw a fit at damaged it. So I am hoping that it is out of his system, and I think that I need a stronger door stop.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

If all else fails...

I have tried and tried to get Kyron to clean, Davis was cleaning at 3. The kid will only clean if it fits into his schedule. Otherwise it is a whine, lay on the floor, scream, and now sleep fest. I guess he figured that this would be the best option for him. Doesn't look to comfy to me, but hey whatever works!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Who needs another dog???

I asked my self that question the other night when I hear cries coming from the living room. Davis was crying, Kirby was mad and Ky was just sitting there. When I walk in the room I am greeted by Davis who is bawling alligator tears cause Dad said he was taking the Wii away. I ask why then he shows me.

I am going to jump back to about a year ago, right after we moved into our house our dog died, and we were down at the farm getting ready to bury her. I was distraught and I really wasn't paying much attention to what Ky was doing while we were in the pick-up. Later that week Kirby says to me, do you think Dez (our dog) bit my dash board? (Odd question I thought) I said I doubt it. Then he asks the boys, Davis says no and Ky well he told this big long story how he was looking for something and when you ask what it was, he tells you a blue ball. The story has not changed from that day. He is either really smart and knows to stick to one story or his imagination is out of control.
Kirby's pick up Dashboard

So jump back to the beginning of this post and Davis shows me the nun chuck cord and this is what I see!
Do you see the answer to my question before. I have a dog already. I still don't know what happened to the plastic cover to the cord, I am hoping he threw it away in fear, but who knows. His explanation for himself "I was hungry!" My crazy Ky!!!
Luckily we are rednecks and they make white electrical tape! We dodged that $10.00 bullet! Whew!
P.S. I had the sit down talk with him about the dangers of chewing on cords, for those of you that are dialing the CPS right now!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our little hike!

We get paid on the 1st and 16th of every month, so when i say to the boys it's pay day I usually hear moans. We don't' want to go to St. George, or find us a babysitter, to which I reply, "No one wants to babysit you guys for that long." The day really is an eventful one and ends up taking at least 6 hours if the boys are good. Those of you that are not from Enterprise are thinking 6 hours what can they possibly do for that long. Remember we have a 45 min drive to and from St. George so there is around 2 hours. We have to eat, because that is all I do lately, then the stores. The days used to be a lot worse when they were younger, but it has gotten better with age. So this day was okay, but far better than some, so on our way home, we were making our way around the side of the hill, and Davis really wanted to go hiking. I figured why not, I had my camera, and it might do me some good. Another reason was that the weather was sooo nice, I really hated to go back to the snow on my lawn. We took our little hike up to the top of Dixie rock, which was really crazy to me, because Kirby and I used to go there all the time in collage. Anyways I am glad we did it and here are a few pics of them, and I can't believe I let them each hold my camera so I could be in a couple.