I asked my self that question the other night when I hear cries coming from the living room. Davis was crying, Kirby was mad and Ky was just sitting there. When I walk in the room I am greeted by Davis who is bawling alligator tears cause Dad said he was taking the Wii away. I ask why then he shows me.
I am going to jump back to about a year ago, right after we moved into our house our dog died, and we were down at the farm getting ready to bury her. I was distraught and I really wasn't paying much attention to what Ky was doing while we were in the pick-up. Later that week Kirby says to me, do you think Dez (our dog) bit my dash board? (Odd question I thought) I said I doubt it. Then he asks the boys, Davis says no and Ky well he told this big long story how he was looking for something and when you ask what it was, he tells you a blue ball. The story has not changed from that day. He is either really smart and knows to stick to one story or his imagination is out of control.
Kirby's pick up Dashboard
So jump back to the beginning of this post and Davis shows me the nun chuck cord and this is what I see!
Do you see the answer to my question before. I have a dog already. I still don't know what happened to the plastic cover to the cord, I am hoping he threw it away in fear, but who knows. His explanation for himself "I was hungry!" My crazy Ky!!!
Luckily we are rednecks and they make white electrical tape! We dodged that $10.00 bullet! Whew!
P.S. I had the sit down talk with him about the dangers of chewing on cords, for those of you that are dialing the CPS right now!