Saturday, August 2, 2008


As many of you might be thinking, Morgan and Wranglers, just don't go together. Well, you are right, I held strong with the flip flops. I actually don't think that I watched one event during to 2 days I went. It was pretty much a social thing for my kids and I. Kirby was right smack in the middle of 2nd crop, so I figured what is more fun for kids than chasing chickens, and playing with glow sticks in ankle deep dirt/manure! THEY LOVED IT!
Davis was pretty close!

They took of from the very beginning!
They are so brave :)

This is after they stopped crying, because they didn't catch a chicken! (thank heavens)

I would run too if I saw this coming at me!

Cooper and Kyron were so close to this one!

But they tried to go over the fence instead of climbing through!

Later that night we took Jed a Rodeo hot dog at the farm, cause he was hauling hay for the sleeping farmers. Anyways, I had a flash back to my risky college days! (LynDee, Karrie, Amanda, Shanae you'll remember this) I open the glow sticks that the boys still had and threw them all over the ground, hay, and them and let them run around in the field! They loved this so since then we have done this 2 more times. We went to the farm and spread it all over the hay before the put it in the barn. We did this the night before Julie left for the summer, and I think that it will definitely become a tradition. I am trying to talk Kirby into setting something up for Halloween. Anyways we had a lot of fun during the week of the 24th!


Me and The Boys said...

man- i wish we could have RODEo social hour was good and the company..even better!~

Me and The Boys said...
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