Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Our Sunday Adventure

We had to meet my aunt in Salt Lake on Sunday, so my mom and I took the boys for a little sight seeing!

Our first stop... The Temple
Enjoying the temple grounds!
Maybe a little too much

The flowers are always so pretty!


The Second Stop... (don't freak out) EAST HIGH!

The clock!

The cafeteria

And the front (for those of you who care!)

Our LAST Stop... The Cemetery

I have always wanted to go here. It was the biggest cemetery I have ever seen. There were so many head stone, and so many old head stones. You will see by a few pictures

President Hinkley's grave site
David O. McKay
Joseph F. Smith
Spencer W. Kimball
Wilford W. Woodruff
This was a really neat experience, I suggest it to everyone. It is left off of s. Temple on 9th East on the corner of 4th Ave. and N street.
Click here for a map of a few people that are buried there.
I took this out the window at a stop light, I just wish the stop light wasn't in it!


Rachelle said...

Looks like you had a ton of fun, you took some great pics! :o)

Ashley said...

I love your temple photos!

Melinda said...

The cemetary does look like a neat place.
Were is you photo magic? Just make that street light disappear.:)

Trevor and Katie said...

Those are some cool pictures.

Me and The Boys said...

That is so cool...i never even thought about the cemetary where all those people would be buried...interesting! OH and the stop light... come on photoshop that baby out can do it!

Marcie said...

Great pictures Morgan you have great talent. I love the one of your little boy with his arm in the reflection pond, that is something mine would do.